Pengembangan Karir Pegawai Berdasarkan Kompetensi Dan Kebutuhan Instansi (Translate)

Jakarta-Humas BKN, Pengembangan karir pegawai dilakukan berdasar kompetensi yang dimiliki dan kebutuhan instansi pemerintah dengan tetap mengindahkan Norma, Standar, dan Prosedur Kepegawaian yang berlaku. Untuk itu, Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) terus berusaha mewujudkan hal ini antara lain melalui pemanfaatan Computer Assisted Test (CAT) dan Assesment Centre . Informasi ini disampaikan Sekretaris Utama Edy Sujitno saat memberikan arahan kepada para peserta Pemetaan Potensi dan Kompetensi Pejabat Struktural Eselon III di lantai 2 gedung CAT BKN, Senin (22/4). Ikut hadir dalam kegiatan ini Kepala Pusat Pengembangan Sistem Rekrutmen PNS Aris Windiyanto dan Kepala Biro Kepegawaian Tauchid Djatmiko.

Edy Sujitno lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini amat bermanfaat guna mendapatkan ‘peta’ yang komprehensif mengenai potensi dan kompetensi yang dimiliki para pegawai. Diharapkan agar semua peserta dapat mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan ini secara optimal.

Dalam laporannya, Tauchid Djatmiko menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan yang dikuti tiga puluh pegawai eselon III di lingkungan BKN Pusat dan sejumlah kantor regional berlangsung Senin-Jumat (22-26). Ada pun materi yang diujikan meliputi: Tes Kompetensi Kepegawaian dengan CAT, tes bahasa Inggris, dan penilaian kompetensi dengan metode Assesment Centre.

Sementara, Wakil Kepala BKN Bima Haria Wibisana di gedung CAT menyatakan bahwa instansi pemerintah sudah selayaknya menghentikan praktik yang mengedepankan sistem senioritas dalam penempatan pegawai pada jabatan tertentu. “Para pegawai harus memiliki kompetensi yang sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaannya masing-masing,” jelasnya. (aman-tawur)


English Version

Employee Career Development Competencies and Needs Based Agencies

Jakarta-PR BKN, employee career development is done based on their competence and the needs of government agencies with regard to fixed norms, standards, and procedures applicable Civil Service. To that end, the Civil Service Agency (BKN) continue to realize this, among others, through the use of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) and the Assessment Centre. This information is conveyed Principal Secretary Edy Sujitno while providing guidance to the participants and Competency Mapping Potential Structural Officials Echelon III on the 2nd floor of the building BKN CAT, Monday (22/4). This activity was present in the Head of Systems Development and Recruitment PNS Aris Windiyanto Personnel Bureaus Tauchid Djatmiko.

Edy Sujitno further stated that this activity is very helpful to get a 'map' which comprehensively about the potential and competency of employees. It is expected that all participants can follow the whole series of these activities optimally.

In his report, Tauchid Djatmiko explained that the activities followed thirty employees in the third echelon BKN Center and a number of regional offices took place Monday-Friday (22-26). There is also the matter of the tested include: Personnel Competency Test with CAT, an English language test, and competency assessment methods Assessment Centre.

Meanwhile, Deputy Head of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana in building the CAT stated that it is proper government agencies to stop the practice that puts the seniority system in the deployment of staff in certain positions. "The employee must have competence in accordance with their respective areas of work," he explained. (Aman-tawur). 



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