Jakarta-Humas BKN, Pengangkatan dan pemindahan pegawai dalam jabatan tertentu harus ikuti Norma, Standar, dan Prosedur (NSP) Kepegawaian dan obyektif. Terkait hal tersebut, Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) telah menyediakan Assesment Centre dan Computer Assisted Test yang dapat dimanfaatkan instansi pemerintah pusat dan daerah untuk mewujudkannya . Informasi ini disampaikan Sekretaris Utama Edy Sujitno saat membuka Penilaian Kompetensi Pejabat Struktural Eselon III Kabupaten Berau di ruang rapat lantai 1 gedung I BKN, Senin (15/4). Ikut hadir dalam kegiatan ini Kepala Pusat Penilaian Kompetensi PNS Sri Kusmaningsih.
Edy Sujitno menyampaikan bahwa keikutsertaan pegawai dalam kegiatan ini merupakan bentuk kepercayaan pimpinan daerah kabupaten Berau sebagai upaya guna melakukan perbaikan sumber daya manusia (SDM) di wilayahnya. Untuk itu, keberadaan asesor sangatlah strategis dalam upaya pengembangan SDM yang ada. “Pengembangan kemampuan dan potensi yang dimiliki pegawai harus sejalan dengan kebutuhan instansi pemerintah,” terangnya.
Sementara, Sri Kusmaningsih memberikan apresiasi terhadap kabupaten Berau yang mempercayakan Puspenkom PNS sejak 2010 dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas pegawai. Dijelaskan bahwa penilaian kompetensi dilaksanakan selama tiga hari, Senin-Rabu (15-17/4). Ada pun metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara, diskusi, dan psikotes.(aman-kiswanto)
English Version
Appointment and Removal Based Employee Must NSP Personnel
Jakarta-PR BKN, appointment and removal of employees in certain positions must follow the norms, standards, and procedures (NSP) Personnel and objective. Related to this, the Civil Service Agency (BKN) has been providing Computer Assisted Assessment Centre and Test which can be utilized central and local government agencies to make it happen. This information is conveyed Principal Secretary Edy Sujitno when opening Competency Assessment Structural Officials Echelon III Berau district in the 1st floor conference room of the building I BKN, Monday (15/4). This activity was present in the Head of Competence Assessment PNS Sri Kusmaningsih.
Sujitno Edy said that the employee's participation in this activity is a form of confidence in the leadership of Berau district in an effort to make improvements of human resources (HR) in the region. Therefore, the presence of assessors is very strategic in the development of human resources. "Developing the capability and potential of the employee must be in line with the needs of government agencies," he explained.
Meanwhile, Sri Kusmaningsih give an appreciation of the Berau district civil servants entrusted Puspenkom since 2010 in an effort to improve the quality of employees. Explained that the competency assessment carried out for three days, Monday-Wednesday (15-17 / 4). There are also methods used are interviews, discussions, and psychological. (Aman-Kiswanto).
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